Ultimate Lightweight Body Filler is a stain-free, tack-free, non-bleeding, polyester-based auto body filler that has excellent adhesion to galvanized steel, metal, aluminum, E-coat, SMC, fiberglass, and aged/cured paint and primer. It is also excellent for repairing auto body damages, holes, cracks, scratches, dents, rust-outs, and other surface imperfections. Designed to sand easily – even after a day of curing. Adheres to galvanized steel in only 20-30 minutes.
Ultra-Grip™ High-Tech Lightweight Filler is formulated with Z-216 which greatly enhances adhesion properties to difficult surfaces such as galvanized steel, aluminum and E-coats.
The Flexible Epoxy Kit is designed to repair any plastic, rubber and fiberglass parts of the automobile. The kit contains the resin, hardener, fiberglass screen, mixing sticks, mixing cups and an instruction sheet.
Dynalite® Body Filler is a lightweight filler containing billions of microscopic hollow balls (invisible to the naked eye) called microspheres. The microspheres are blended with select resins and talcs to produce an automotive body filler that is faster and easier to work, while yielding a stronger, more flexible and durable painting surface.
Dyna-Glass® Body Filler is reinforced with short fiberglass strands and milled fiberglass. Our fiberglass filler is a quick easy way to repair leaks and holes and to rebuild SMC/fiberglass shattered bodies, tears and cracks. An excellent product to use on metal to repair rusted out areas. Can be used alone or with a fiberglass cloth or mat. Cures in 15 – 20 minutes and then is ready to file or sand. The non-separating fiber and resin-rich formulation has twice the strength of ordinary body fillers and can be used on cars, trucks, vans, cabs, boats and more. Also provides excellent wet-out properties when used with fiberglass tape, cloth, etc.
Ultimate Glaze Putty is a two-part, easy-sanding, polyester finishing and blending putty. It is especially formulated to adhere to galvanized steel, zinc-cated metals, aluminum and E-coat, while also adhering to metal, fiberglass, SMC, and aged/cured paint or primer. The Ultimate Glaze is perfect for repairing hail damage and is brushable or spreadable.